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Data collection#

n8n collects some anonymous data from self-hosted n8n installations. Use the instructions below to opt out of data telemetry collection.

Collected data#

Refer to Privacy | Data collection in self-hosted n8n for details on the data n8n collects.

How collection works#

Your n8n instance sends most data to n8n as the events that generate it occur. Workflow execution counts and an instance pulse are sent periodically (every 6 hours). These data types mostly fall into n8n telemetry collection.

Opting out of data collection#

n8n enables telemetry collection by default. To disable it, configure the following environment variables.

Opt out of telemetry events#

To opt out of telemetry events, set the N8N_DIAGNOSTICS_ENABLED environment variable to false, for example:


Opt out of checking for new versions of n8n#

To opt out of checking for new versions of n8n, set the N8N_VERSION_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED environment variable to false, for example:


Disable all connection to n8n servers#

If you want to fully prevent all communication with n8n's servers, refer to Isolate n8n.

Refer to Deployment environment variables for more information on these environment variables.

Refer to Configuration for more information on setting environment variables.